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Over the course of three years, we will collaborate with schools, family centres and shelters in the towns to develop a series of activities and training. The activities will be implemented as a courses, workshops or training sessions and be implemented by means of active contributions from children, young people and families in creating and translating content for the activities.
In collaboration with schools, shelters and family houses in the town, the following activities will be implemented:
- ‘Our lives’. A photographic course with childrens’ rights and views of what constitutes a good life. This activity resulted in a book, which was distributed to households in the towns in November 2016.
- ‘Our food’. A workshop-based course in which young people collected recipes from their grandparents in the town. The stories of food traditions, recipes and photographs were collected in a small cookbook, which was distributed in the towns. The dishes were prepared and tasted together. This took place in collaboration with schools and shelters. Finally, there were a food festival with street kitchens, which were made visible through art in the urban space.
- Our self-esteem. The development of an ‘Uaparuartoti’ program in collaboration with the family center in Nanortalik. The purpose is to build self-confidence in children and young people through various participant-based activities. A focus on avoiding ridicule and decreased self-confidence. The program will contain activities in nature, create courses such as poetry, storytelling and a variety of forms of dialogue.
- ‘Our family’. The training of local dialogue mentors. The purpose is to provide support for families affected by violence. The activity will work with building youth-to-youth advice according to the same principle in the form of psychological first aid. In collaboration with the family centers in Nanortalik and Tasiilaq.
- ‘Our stories’. Storytelling based on local storytelling traditions to solve current dilemmas in the lives of children and young people. The result will be one or several shows, which will be performed locally and a final show in 2018 in Nuuk.
- ‘Our ideas’. The project bank. Here, we will take the best ideas from the list that the young people will create and implement one or two ideas depending on the scope.
- ‘Our projects’ Fundraising. Training in concept development, project formulations, and fundraising. This will be done based on project development from Our Ideas. Local human resources will be trained and engaged.
- Research and documentation. This will also be implemented as an activity. Research uses local research assistants and students. This will build capacity for reflection and analysis. The documentation will also include the young people in aspects such as documenting processes and results. By handing out the ‘Vores liv’ books, where the young people participated actively as distributors of the book to all households and documented it photographically. .