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Our lives
“Some of us are still children. Some of us already have children. What we have in common is that we all want a secure childhood and good lives. A future that we can create together.”
A book about the rights of children and young people and their views of what constitutes ‘a good life’. Their vision of a good life. Picture and texts in the book were created by the young people.
This book was distributed in Nanortalik and Tasiilaq in November 2015.
[av_font_icon icon=’ue841′ font=’entypo-fontello’ style=” caption=” link=” linktarget=” size=’40px’ position=’left’ color=”][/av_font_icon] See the book here
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Our food
‘I have the right to a healthy life and food at home very day.’
A workshop-based course, in which young people gather recipes from their grandparents. Stories about food traditions, recipes and photographs are collected in a little cookbook, which is distributed in the towns. These recipes are prepared and sampled communally in collaboration with schools and meeting places.
This culminates in a food festival with street kitchens and is highlighted in the city space.
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Our family
’A good family life is the path to a good life. A long and joyful life.’
Training local mentors for dialogue with the aim of providing support for families suffering from domestic violence. In the activity, the establishment of youth-to-youth advice in accordance with the same mentor principle and as a kind of psychological first aid. In collaboration with the family centres in Nanortalik and Tasiilaq.
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Our stories
‘I am moving to get an education. I say farewell. Leave my loved ones behind. It hurts and it is difficult. But my future beckons.’
We work with storytelling based on local storytelling traditions to tie them to the solution of current dilemmas in the lives of children and young people. This will result in one or several plays to be performed locally and with a final show in Nuuk in 2018.
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Our ideas
“I have the right to express my feelings”
The project bank. We take the best ideas from a list that the young people have compiled and implement it.
One or two ideas (depending on the scope) will be developed further.
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Our projects
“I have the right to express my opinion and be heard.”
Training in concept development, project formulation and fundraising. Ideas from the ‘project bank’ will be addressed and developed here.
‘The future belongs to us.’